Alliance JA02D (SAG-02D)

Pholiuro-Spergularion Pignatti 1952

Ephemeral aerohaline vegetation on fine-grained soils of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean seaboards

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Accepted name

Pholiuro-Spergularion Pignatti 1952

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Pholiuro-Spergularion Pignatti 1952


Corrected or new

new, sag05 | This alliance is also listed as syntax. syn. of the alliance SAG-01C Junco ranarii-Plantaginion commutatae Horvatić 1934. The correct name and position of this alliance must be evaluated by a syntaxonomic revision. (remark added by WW in April 2022)


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