pop05 | This alliance, and perhaps also its superior order, would be better placed in the Carpino-Fagetea. In Southern Europe, there are considerable differences between zonal and riparian forests but this contrast becomes less obvious in Central and Northern Europe. The Alnion incanae forests are most similar to the Tilio-Acerion and the Melico-Tilion platyphylli forests that are classified within the Carpino-Fagetea. (MC, JPT) Rivas-Martínez et al. (2011: 342) pursued a mediterraneo-centric view and classified this alliance within the Populetalia. (L. Mucina).
Alnion incanae Pawłowski 1928
Alno-Fraxinion Ellenberg et Klötzli 1974
(29c, 31)
Alno-Padion Knapp ex Medwecka-Kornaś in W. Matuszkiewicz et Borowik 1957
Alno-Padion Knapp 1942
Alno-Ulmion Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Tchou 1948
Alno-Ulmion Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943 p.p.
Cardamino-Fraxinion excelsioris Passarge in Passarge et G. Hofmann 1968
Fraxinion excelsioris Moor 1976
– pop06 In Moor's (1976) concept, this unit included both alder-ash forests and elm-ash forests but excluded pure alder forests. It is a nomen superfluum since its original diagnosis includes the type associations of the Carici remotae-Fraxinion Passarge 1968 and of the Filipendulo-Fraxinion Passarge 1968. (W. Willner).
Fraxinion excelsioris Nègre 1972
Fraxino-Alnion Oberd. 1953
Fraxino-Carpinion Tx. et Diemont 1936
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