Alliance DA04A (FES-04A)

Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipion lessingianae Royer ex Lysenko et Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016

Continental temperate dry steppe grasslands of the transitional steppe to desert zone of the Don, Volga and Ural River valleys

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Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipion lessingianae Royer ex Lysenko et Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipion lessingianae Royer ex Lysenko et Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016



fes14 | Herein we validate the Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipion lessingianae invalidly described by Royer (1991: 29−31, 189). This alliance comprises continental temperate steppe grasslands of the transitional region spanning dry steppe and semi-desert subzones in the Don, Volga and Ural River basins. This alliance is conceptually identical with the Tanaceto achilleifolii-Artemision santonicae, invalidly described by O. Demina (Demina et al. 2012: 77; Demina 2015: 172). The syntaxonomic revision of the Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipion lessingianae is in progress (Lysenko & Mucina, in prep.). The diagnostic species of the alliance are: Galatella tatarica, Stipa lessingiana, Stipa sareptana, Tanacetum achilleifolium and T. santolina. We describe a new association, the Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipion lessingianae association, the Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipetum lessingianae Lysenko et Kalmykova ass. nov. hoc loco and present the following holotypus (hoc loco) of the new association that will be handled in detail at a later stage. Russian Federation, Saratov Region, Voskresensk district, outskirts of Slavyanka, sampled area: 100 m2, vegetation cover: 80 %; 8 July 2005; relevé made by T. Lysenko: Stipa lessingiana 4, Achillea nobilis 2, Elytrigia repens 2, Galatella villosa 2, Stipa capillata 2, Allium flavescens 1, Artemisia austriaca 1, A. nitrosa 1, Bassia prostrata 1, Falcaria vulgaris 1, Gypsophila muralis 1, Pastinaca sativa 1, Potentilla argentea 1, Silene chlorantha 1, Tanacetum achilleifolium 1, Dianthus borbasii +, Ferula tatarica +, Galium verum +, Medicago falcata +, Spiraea hypericifolia +, Trinia multicaulis +. This association is holotypus (hoc loco) of the Tanaceto achilleifolii-Stipion lessingianae. (T. Lysenko, L. Mucina).


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