Alliance QD01G (DIG-01G)

Tamarici ramosissimae-Salsolion australis Golub 1994

Ruderal vegetation on disturbed sand dunes of the Northern Caspian region

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Accepted name

Tamarici ramosissimae-Salsolion australis Golub 1994

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Tamarici ramosissimae-Salsolion australis Golub 1994



dig04 | Golub & Savchenko (1986) and Golub (1994) classified this unit within the desert vegetation (Artemisietea lerchianae). However, as also shown by the synoptic table of Golub & Savchenko (1986: Tab. I), the 'Salsoletum australis' (the representative association of the alliance) shows very little in common with the Artemisietea lerchianae. (L. Mucina).


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