Alliance CJ01C (COR-01C)

Sedo-Cerastion arvensis Sissingh et Tideman 1960

Meso-xerophytic closed swards on acidic to neutral sandy soils in lowlands of the (sub)atlantic regions of Europe

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Accepted name

Sedo-Cerastion arvensis Sissingh et Tideman 1960

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Sedo-Cerastion arvensis Sissingh et Tideman 1960



cor06 | While Weeda et al. (1996) restricted the concept of this syntaxon to the vegetation on river dunes of Western Europe, K. Dierssen suggests widening the concept and considers this alliance as an atlantic to subatlantic analogue of the Armerion elongatae, where the matrix species Festuca brevipila is replaced by F. filiformis. (L. Mucina).


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