Vegetation of grassy snow-beds on stabilised calcareous soils in the boreo-montane belt of Scandinavia and the Arctic archipelago
Ranunculo-Poion alpinae Gjaerevoll ex Daniëls in Mucina et al. 2016
Ranunculo-Poion alpinae Gjaerevoll ex Daniëls in Mucina et al. 2016
thl07 | Herewith we validate the Ranunculo-Poion alpinae Gjaerevoll 1950 nom. inval. by choosing the Ranunculo acris-Poetum alpinae Daniëls ass. nov. hoc loco (the holotypus hoc loco of the association: relevé 4, Table XIII in Gjaerevoll 1950) as the holotypus of the alliance. The diagnostic taxa of this validated alliance are: Carex bigelowii subsp. bigelowii, Persicaria vivipara, Poa alpina, Potentilla crantzii, Ranunculus acris, Saussurea alpina, Solidago virgaurea, Trollius europeus, Viola biflora, and mosses Drepanocladus uncinatus and Hylocomium splendens. (F. Daniëls).