Class BD (PYR)

Pyrolo-Pinetea sylvestris Korneck 1974

Euro-Siberian (sub)continental psammophilous (sub)thermophilous steppic pine forests

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Accepted name

Pyrolo-Pinetea sylvestris Korneck 1974

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Pyrolo-Pinetea sylvestris Korneck 1974



pyr01 | Some authors (Oberdorfer et al. 1967; Passarge & Hofmann 1968; Korneck 1974; Oberdorfer in Oberdorfer 1992: 33–41) have classified some slightly basiphilous pine forests with continental drought-adapted species in Germany in the Pyrolo-Pinetea Korneck 1974 (syn. Pulsatillo-Pinetea Oberdorfer in Oberdorfer et al. 1967; Festuco-Pinetea sylvestris Passarge et G. Hofmann 1968). The concept of this class is based on the assumption that similar pine forests are widespread in the forest-steppe zone of the Eastern Europe and Western Siberia. Ermakov (1999, 2003) classified dry pine forests on sandy soils in the forest-steppe zone of southwestern Siberia into the Pyrolo-Pinetea. Recent studies of German and Polish basiphilous dry pine forests (W. Matuszkiewicz 1962; Heinken & Zippel 1999; J.M. Matuszkiewicz 2001; Heinken 2008), consider analogous vegetation types only at the association level and classify them within the Dicrano-Pinion. As there is no comprehensive comparative study of the East European dry pine forests, I support the compromise solution proposed by Berg (in Berg et al. 2004: 459–468), assigning the basiphilous dry pine forests of Central Europe to the Festuco-Pinion sylvestris (the Vaccinio-Piceetea). (M. Chytrý) Russian and Ukrainian authors (Ermakov et al. 2000; Solomakha 2008; both using the name 'Pulsatillo-Pinetea') prefer to retain this syntaxonomic concept at the class level. (L. Mucina, N. Ermakov) Oberdorfer et al. (1967: 51–51) introduced a suggestion by D. Korneck combining the Pulsatillo-Pinetea (described, albeit invalidly, in the same paper) and the Erico-Pinetea to form a new class – the Pyrolo-Pinetea. The latter class has been described validly later (Korneck 1974: 168) with reference to the original suggestion, but the protologue of the Pyrolo-Pinetea does not anymore suggest the option of also including the Erico-Pinetea. (L. Mucina).


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