Alliance RC03B (PSO-03B)

Protoblastenion testaceae Barreno 1979

Chomophytic communities of squamulose psorid lichens in narrow fissures on calcareous or other base-rich rocks

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Accepted name

Protoblastenion testaceae Barreno 1979

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Protoblastenion testaceae Barreno 1979



pso05 | Barreno (1979) classified the chomophytic alliance Protoblastenion testaceae preliminary in the Fulgensietalia desertori, while Roux et al. (2009) considered it as a case of incertae sedis as far as its position in a class or in an order is concerned. (H. Bültmann).


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