Alliance AC03B (LOI-03B)

Phyllodoco-Vaccinion myrtilli Nordhagen 1943

Moderately chionophilous dwarf scrub of the boreal and hemiarctic zones of Fennoscandia, Iceland, Northern Russia and Greenland

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Accepted name

Phyllodoco-Vaccinion myrtilli Nordhagen 1943

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Phyllodoco-Vaccinion myrtilli Nordhagen 1943



loi16 | The name 'Phyllodoco-Vaccinion myrtilli' is invalidly published in Nordhagen (1937) because there are only sociations in the original diagnosis of the alliance. The name is validly published in Nordhagen (1943). (J.-P. Theurillat).


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