Alliance SL02A (COL-02A)

Peltulion euplocae Llimona et Egea 1984

Communities of jelly lichens on base-rich siliceous rocks in fissures and in rain tracks temporarily watered by seepage or trickling waters

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Accepted name

Peltulion euplocae Llimona et Egea 1984

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Peltulion euplocae Llimona et Egea 1984



col02 | Llimona & Egea (1984: 92) published the name 'Peltulion euplocae Llimona et Egea 1984', presumably with the intention to describe the alliance in a following publication (Llimona & Egea 1985). However, the original diagnosis of the alliance containing only the new association Peltuletum obscuranto-euplocae Lliomona et Egea 1984, which is validly published with a single relevé in accordance with ICPN art. 5, the name 'Peltulion euplocae' is consequently validly published.The character species for the alliance are those given by the authors for the association (ICPN art. 8). (H. Bültmann).


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