ono05 | Two large-scale syntaxonomic overviews by Theurillat et al. (1995: Alps) and Bardat et al. (2004: France) from the main distribution range of this vegetation type support the proposal of Royer (1991) to classify the Ononidetalia striatae within the Festuco-Brometea. (J. Dengler, L. Mucina).
Anthyllidetalia montanae Quézel 1971
Astragaletalia sempervirentis Barbero 1968
– ono06 Barbero (1968) included the Avenion montanae Barbero 1968 (with the Seslerio-Avenetum montanae Barbero 1968) and the Avenion sempervirentis Barbero 1968 (with the Centaureo triumffetti-Avenetum sempervirentis Barbero 1968 and the Festucetum dimorphae Barbero 1968) within this order. (J.-P. Theurillat).
Genisto-Ononidetalia striatae Br.-Bl. et Susplugas 1937
Ononidetalia striatae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1947