Alliance TA01A (NEC-01A)

Neckerion complanatae Šmarda et Hadač ex Klika 1948

Communities of mat-forming large bryophytes on shaded partly by base-rich soil-covered boulders, and occasionally bark or stable soil surfaces

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Accepted name

Neckerion complanatae Šmarda et Hadač ex Klika 1948 nom. conserv. propos.

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Neckerion complanatae Šmarda et Hadač ex Klika 1948 nom. conserv. propos.



nec03 | We propose to conserve the established name Neckerion complanatae Šmarda et Hadač ex Klika 1948 against the name Drepanion cupressiformis Ochsner 1928 as well as against the names Anomodontion viticulosi Felföldy 1941, Amblystegion serpentis Felföldy 1941, and Isothecion myuri Waldheim 1944. All these names have not been in use during the last decades. (H. Bültmann).


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