Alliance TA02A (NEC-02A)

Lobarion pulmonariae Ochsner 1928

Hygrophilous bryophyte and lichen communities of large loose-mat forming species on base-rich bark, boulders and rocks in sheltered habitats

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Accepted name

Lobarion pulmonariae Ochsner 1928

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Lobarion pulmonariae Ochsner 1928



nec06 | The communities of the alliance Lobarion pulmonariae are characterised by the presence of large foliose lichens and bryophytes characteristic of the Neckeretea complanatae and the Antitrichietalia, and partly also of the Frullanio-Leucodontetea. Marstaller (1986) typified the Antitrichietalia curtipendulae Šmarda et Hadač in Klika et Hadač 1944 by selecting the Lobarion pulmonariae Ochsner 1928 as the lectotype. (H. Bültmann).


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