Alliance FL01B (IND-01B)

Jasionion carpetanae González-Albo 1941

Central Iberian oro-cryomediterranean xerophilous silicicolous fescue grasslands

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Accepted name

Jasionion carpetanae González-Albo 1941

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Jasionion carpetanae González-Albo 1941



ind02 | González-Albo (1941) has validly described the Staticetum caespitosae, the automatic holotypus of the alliance Jasionion carpetanae. The latter alliance was syntaxonomically identified (by placement into synonymy) as the Minuartio bigerrensis-Festucion curvifoliae Rivas-Mart. 1964 corr. Rivas-Mart. et al. 2011. The only reason for placement of the Jasionion carpetanae into the synonymy was the assumption that the Jasionion carpetanae should be considered a nomen ambiguum (ICPN art. 37), a case still lacking convincing proof. Interestingly, the Staticetum caespitosae has not been listed as one of the associations of the Minuartio-Festucion curvifolae by Rivas-Martínez et al. (2011: 268−169) despite otherwise very comprehensive accounts of associations in all alliances handled in the latter paper. Due to lack of proper arguments proving the name Jasionion carpetanae illegitimate, technically the latter name remains the valid and current name for this syntaxonomic concept until proven otherwise. (L. Mucina).


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