Order SA01 (PLA-01)

Hygrohypnetalia Krajina 1933

Bryophyte vegetation with occasional lichens in oligotrophic, clear, cool and acidic running waters and cascades in mountainous regions

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Accepted name

Hygrohypnetalia Krajina 1933

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Hygrohypnetalia Krajina 1933



pla01 | Drehwald & Preising (1991) typified the name Hygrohypnetalia Krajina 1933 with the Hygrohypnion dilatati Kraijna ex Plămăda 1974. This choice is illegitimate as the original diagnosis of the order contains the two alliances Hygrohypnion dilatati and Andreaeion nivalis (ICPN art. 19). Marstaller (2006) choose the former alliance and this choice must be followed. (H. Bültmann).


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