Eriophorion scheuchzeri Hadač 1939 nom. dubium
– sch18 The original diagnosis of this unit described from SW Iceland contains a synthetic table formed in an unclear way and containing a mixture of species characterising different vegetation types such as the Caricion atrofusco-saxatilis, the Caricion fuscae, the Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae as well as species characteristic of the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea and the Potamogetonetea. It is impossible to re-check individual relevés for their homogeneity. Hadač (1969) typified this alliance by the Eriophoretum scheuchzerii islandicum that contains species of mineral-rich arcto-alpine fens typical of the Caricion atrofusco-saxatilis (Carex maritima, Juncus triglumis, Sedum villosum and Triglochin palustre), while the species typical of the Caricion fuscae are rare. Some authors used the name 'Eriophorion scheuchzerii Hadač 1937' for species-poor, strongly acidophilous arcto-alpine vegetation. (M. Hájek).
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