Order TH01 (CLE-01)

Diplophylletalia albicantis Philippi 1963

Sciophilous and sub-hygrophilous bryophyte communities occasionally with lichens on acidic soil and weathered surfaces of moist siliceous rocks

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Accepted name

Diplophylletalia albicantis Philippi 1963 nom. conserv. propos.

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Diplophylletalia albicantis Philippi 1963 nom. conserv. propos.



cle04 | Marstaller (2006: 27) proposed to conserve the name 'Diplophylletalia albicantis Philippi 1963' against the name 'Dicranelletalia heteromallae Philippi 1956' because Philippi (1963) combined these two orders and chose the later name 'Diplophylletalia albicantis' that is a well-established name today. We propose to conserve the name 'Diplophylletalia albicantis' against the name 'Physcomitrelletalia patentis von Hübschmann 1957'. The latter order, described to accommodate the single alliance 'Physcomitrellion patentis' with one association, remained almost unknown in the literature. (H. Bültmann).


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