Alliance BA03A (PIC-03A)

Dicrano-Pinion sylvestris (Libbert 1933) W. Matuszkiewicz 1962

European temperate and subboreal pine forests on nutrient-poor acidic sandy soils

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Accepted name

Dicrano-Pinion sylvestris (Libbert 1933) W. Matuszkiewicz 1962 nom. conserv. propos.

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Dicrano-Pinion sylvestris (Libbert 1933) W. Matuszkiewicz 1962 nom. conserv. propos.



pic09 | The name 'Dicrano-Pinion (Libbert 1933) W. Matuszkiewicz 1962' is widely used in the recent syntaxonomic literature in accordance with its type (e.g. Wallnöfer 1993; Pott 1995; Hommel et al. 1998; Schubert et al. 2001; Rennwald 2002). It should therefore be protected following the ICPN art. 52 against the older, yet rarely used and conceptually ambiguous name 'Pinion (Libbert 1933) Oberd. 1957'. A formal proposal towards this end was made by Dengler et al. (2004) and Zelený in Chytrý (2013). (J. Dengler, L. Mucina).


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