Alliance CA06B (FAG-06B)

Dentario quinquefoliae-Fagion Didukh 1996

Mesic Crimean beech forests on basic soils

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Accepted name

Dentario quinquefoliae-Fagion Didukh 1996

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Dentario quinquefoliae-Fagion Didukh 1996



fag20 | Recent genomic studies suggest that Fagus occurring in Crimea (at a specific level called F. taurica Popl.) might be of a hybrid origin, involving Fagus sylvatica s.str. and F. orientalis as putative parents. According to Gömöry & Paule (2010), F. taurica is evolutionary closer to F. orientalis than to F. sylvatica s.str. In any case, the Crimean Fagus forests appear to be ecologically and biogeographically closer to the Rhododendro pontici-Fagetalia orientalis then to the Fagetalia sylvaticae. (L. Mucina) This alliance should be classified in the Fagetalia sylvaticae Pawłowski 1928. (Y. Didukh).


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