Order YA05 (ENT-05)

Dalmatelletalia polyformis Ercegović 1932

Partly endolithic cyanobacterial communities in the low supralittoral zone on calcareous rocks of Eastern Mediterranean seashores

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Accepted name

Dalmatelletalia polyformis Ercegović 1932

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Dalmatelletalia polyformis Ercegović 1932



ent15 | Some of the characteristic species are also known from Atlantic coasts and it is possible that the order has a wider distribution area than currently known. To our knowledge the name has not been typified yet and we do it here. Lectotypus hoc loco: Solention foveolarum Ercegović 1932 (Ercegović 1932: 190, 196-200). (H. Bültmann).

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