Alliance FP03B (ONO-03B)

Cytiso spinescentis-Saturejion montanae Pirone et Tammaro 1997

Submediterranean montane dry calciphilous grasslands rich in dwarf shrubs of the Central Apennines

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Accepted name

Cytiso spinescentis-Saturejion montanae Pirone et Tammaro 1997

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Cytiso spinescentis-Saturejion montanae Pirone et Tammaro 1997



ono14 | Alegrezza et al. (1997) and Pirone & Tammaro (1997) described (in the same issue of the journal Fitosociologia) two alliances that I consider to be syntaxonomically identical. The Cytiso spinescentis-Saturejion montanae Pirone et Tammaro 1997 takes priority over the Artemisio albae-Saturejion montanae Allegrezza et al. 1997 as the former was published in a paper preceding the latter. (L. Mucina).


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