Order CJ01 (COR-01)
Corynephoretalia canescentis Klika 1934
Silicicolous tussock grasslands on inland sand dunes of the atlantic and subatlantic regions of Western, Central and Eastern Europe
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Accepted name
Corynephoretalia canescentis Klika 1934
EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)
Corynephoretalia canescentis Klika 1934
- Festucetalia tenuifoliae Doing 1963
- Festuco-Sedetalia acris Tx. 1951
- Koelerietalia Doing 1963
- Koelerietalia Krausch 1962
(2b, 3b)
- Koelerietalia Oberd. 1957
- Sedo acris-Festucetalia Tx. 1951 nom. invers. propos.
– cor04 Proposal to invert the name has been published by Dengler (2003: 204). (L. Mucina).