Order CF02 (ROB-02)

Chelidonio-Robinietalia pseudoacaciae Jurko ex Hadač et Sofron 1980

Subspontaneous anthropogenic scrub and low-grown forest groves

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Accepted name

Chelidonio-Robinietalia pseudoacaciae Jurko ex Hadač et Sofron 1980

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Chelidonio-Robinietalia pseudoacaciae Jurko ex Hadač et Sofron 1980



rob01 | This is, in Europe, a purely anthropogenic unit comprising communities largely dominated by alien trees. Following the proposal of Jurko (1964) and later Hadač & Sofron (1980), this vegetation is classified as a class in its own right − the Robinietea. (L. Mucina).


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