Blysmion compressi Quézel ex Lovrič et Rac 1989
Caricion davallianae Guinochet 1938
Caricion chordorrhizo-lasiocarpae (Vanden Berghen in Lebrun et al. 1949) Julve 1993
Caricion lasiocarpae Vanden Berghen in Lebrun et al. 1949
– sch08 The Caricetum lasiocarpae Koch 1926 must be considered as the nomenclature type of this alliance since it is the only validly described association assigned to this alliance by Vanden Berghen (in Lebrun et al. 1949). Koch´s association represents the wetter face of the Caricion davallianae as it contains calciphilous species such as Carex davalliana, C. hostiana, C. lepidocarpa, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Eriophorum latifolium, Epipactis palustris, Pinguicula vulgaris, Schoenus ferrugineus, Spiranthes aestivalis and no Sphagnum species. Because the Caricion lasiocarpae has been frequently used only for the acidophilous mire vegetation, it could be considered as a typical case of a nomen ambiguum. However, if not rejected as nomen ambiguum, it must be considered as a synonym of the Caricion davallianae or used only for the calciphilous vegetation with Carex diandra, C. lasiocarpa, Menyanthes trifoliata and the Caricietalia davallianae species. If the Caricion lasiocarpae were understood broadly (hence with with moderately-rich and poor fens included), than the name Stygio-Caricion limosae would have priority over the Caricion lasiocarpae. (M. Hájek).
Schoenion ferruginei Nordhagen 1937
– sch07 Nordhagen (1937) explicitly admitted to having renamed the Klika´s Caricion davallianae, because Schoenus ferrugineus should better characterise the alliance at a broader geographical scale. (M. Hájek).
Schoenion nigricantis Giugni 1991
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