Ombrophilous and slightly nitrophilous lichen communities on exposed siliceous rock surfaces of Southern Europe
Caloplacion irrubescentis Llimona et Egea 1984
Caloplacion irrubescentis Llimona et Egea 1984
rhi03 | Llimona & Egea (1984) did not designate explicitly the type association. However, of the subordinate three associations (Acarosporetum heufleurianae, Solenopsoro-Diploicietum subcanescentis, Buellio-Caloplacetum littoreae), the former two are invalidly published because no type relevés were assigned (ICPN art. 5). This leaves the validly described Buellio caloplacivora-Caloplacetum littoralis Llimona et Egea 1984 as the only suitable element as the type of the name and, therefore, the alliance is deemed validly described (ICPN art 5). (H. Bültmann).