Order CN03 (SAB-03)

Berberido creticae-Juniperetalia excelsae Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016

Relict submediterranean supramediterranean dry pine forests and juniper woods of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean

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Accepted name

Berberido creticae-Juniperetalia excelsae Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Berberido creticae-Juniperetalia excelsae Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016



sab08 | This new order (Berberido creticae-Juniperetalia excelsae) is the Central and Eastern Mediterranean geographic analogue of the Western Mediterranean Pino sylvestris-Juniperetalia sabinae Rivas-Mart. 1965. It comprises a series of open-woodland alliances with sparse scrub undergrowth, distributed from the Tyrrhenian islands of Corsica and Sardinia as far east as Cyprus and Middle East. The Juniperion excelso-foetidissimae (Matevski et al. 2010: 162) is the holotypus (hoc loco) of the order. Berberis aetnensis, Juniperus excelsa, J. foetidissima, Lactuca cyprica and Pinus nigra subsp. laricio are the character taxa of the order. (L. Mucina).

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