Alliance CD01A (RHA-01A)

Berberidion vulgaris Br.-Bl. ex Tx. 1952

Southern temperate and submediterranean thermophilous scrub of Southern and Central Europe

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Accepted name

Berberidion vulgaris Br.-Bl. ex Tx. 1952 nom. conserv. propos.

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Berberidion vulgaris Br.-Bl. ex Tx. 1952 nom. conserv. propos.



rha02 | For details of this conservation proposal see Willner et al. (2015a). Instead of conserving the name Berberidion Br.-Bl. ex Tx. 1952 (a later homonym) it is suggested to conserve the name Berberidion Br.-Bl. 1950 with a conserved type, a possibility that is not available at present though this tool would be implemented in the next edition of the ICPN. (J.-P. Theurillat).


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