rha07 | In case the Corylo avellanae-Populion tremulae would be rejected as nomen ambiguum, this name would apply as the valid and current one. (L. Mucina).
Corylion avellanae P. Fukarek et Fabijanić 1968
Corylo avellanae-Populion tremulae Br.-Bl. ex Jurko 1964 nom. ambig. rejic. propos.
– rha09 The nomenclatural complexity surrounding this syntaxonomic concept has been elaborated in detail by Willner & Grabherr (2007: 225). (L. Mucina) M. Chytrý does not support this syntaxonomic concept as it is very heterogeneous, including both thermophilous scrub and scrub of forest clearings ‒ hence it should be partly a synonym of the Berberidion, partly of the Sambuco-Salicion. (M. Chytrý) There is also apparent divergence of opinions about the original (invalid) concept of the alliance (Braun-Blanquet 1961). Jurko (1964) validated this concept in the context of the Rhamno-Prunetea communities of Central Europe, while de Bolòs (1973) used and validated this name for an apparently different syntaxonomic concept valid for the Iberian Peninsula. It is therefore that this name should be rejected as a typical case of nomen ambiguum. (L. Mucina).
Corylo avellanae-Populion tremulae (Br.-Bl. ex O. de Bolòs 1973) Rivas-Mart. et M. Costa 1998 nom. ambig. rejic. propos.
– rha10 This name should be rejected as nomen ambiguum for the same reason as given in Remark rha09. Rivas-Martínez et al. (2011: 387) considered this particular name as a valid concept and used it to typify the Betulo pendulae-Populetalia tremulae. (L. Mucina).
Corylo avellanae-Populion tremulae (Br.-Bl. ex Theurillat in Theurillat et al. 1995) Géhu in Bardat et al. 2004 nom. ambig. rejic. propos.
(3b, 36)
– rha11 This name should be rejected as nomen ambiguum for the same reason as given in Remark rha09. (L. Mucina).
Lonicero nigrae-Corylion avellanae (Braun-Blanquet 1961) de Foucault et Julve 2001
(2b, 5)
Lonicero nigrae-Corylion avellanae de Foucault et Julve in Julve 1993
(2d, 3b)
Populo tremulae-Corylion avellanae Br.-Bl. 1961 nom. conserv. propos. et nom. invers. propos.
(2b, conserv.inval. & invers.superfl.)
– rha08 Willner & Grabherr (2007: 225) proposed inversion and conservation of this syntaxon name. Both proposals should be considered invalid since the concerned name (Corylo avellanae-Populion tremulae Br.-Bl. 196) is invalidly published. (L. Mucina).