Order CL03 (GER-03)

Asphodeletalia macrocarpae Biondi et Allegrezza in Biondi et al. 2014

Meso-xerophilous fringe and tall-herb vegetation on deep oligotrophic soils in the meso- and supratemperate belts of the Southern European peninsulas

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Accepted name

Asphodeletalia macrocarpae Biondi et Allegrezza in Biondi et al. 2014

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Asphodeletalia macrocarpae Biondi et Allegrezza in Biondi et al. 2014



ger03 | The acceptance of this order is only tentative, pending further research on fringe communities of the Mediterranean woodlands and scrub. (L. Mucina).

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