Ibero-Atlantic moderately-rich fens
Anagallido tenellae-Juncion bulbosi Br.-Bl. 1967
Anagallido tenellae-Juncion bulbosi Br.-Bl. 1967
sch24 | A discussion of the nomenclature of this unit can be found in Fernández Prieto & Herrera Gallastegui (1991). This alliance remains widely accepted by French (Bardat et al. 2004) and Iberian (Rivas-Martínez et al. 2011; Costa et al. 2012; Fernández Prieto et al. 2012) authors. (L. Mucina) K. Dierssen doubts the scientific validity of this syntaxonomic concept because of very large sampling scales used in collecting the relevé material on which basis the Anagallido-Juncion was described. (L. Mucina).