Alliance AC02C (LOI-02C)

Aconito nasuti-Juniperion communis Onipchenko 2002

Subalpine chionophobous silicicolous low juniper scrub of the Caucausus

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Aconito nasuti-Juniperion communis Onipchenko 2002

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Aconito nasuti-Juniperion communis Onipchenko 2002



loi10 | It appears that the eponymous taxon called 'Juniperus communis' by Onipchenko (2002) is the local endemic Juniperus communis subsp. oblonga (M. Bieb.) Galushko (considered as a variety by Hantemirova et al. 2012). (L. Mucina).

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