Q43 Tall-sedge base-rich fen

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Tall-sedge fens are dominated by medium to tall graminoids and tall herbs, along with a patchier tier of low plants, and a ground carpet of rich-fen bryophytes. They are limited to flat landforms where base-rich, nutrient-poor groundwater from springs and seepage lines keep the surface very wet, even in summer. They occur throughout Europe, particularly in the Atlantic and Central European lowlands, becoming transitional in species composition northwards to quaking calcareous fens, though sometimes covering large areas in Fennoscandia.

Chytrý M., Tichý L., Hennekens S.M., Knollová I., Janssen J.A.M., Rodwell J.S. … Schaminée J.H.J. (2020) EUNIS Habitat Classification: expert system, characteristic species combinations and distribution maps of European habitats. Applied Vegetation Science 23: 648–675. https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12519

Version 2021-06-01, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4812736.

For the official presentation of the EUNIS Habitat Classification from the European Environment Agency, please see: EUNIS Terrestrial Habitat Classification 2021. The FloraVeg.EU presentation may show modifications and partial updates to the habitat classification.

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