Romulea columnae

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Habitus and growth type

  • Plant height [m]: 0.14
  • Life span: Perennial
  • Life form: Geophyte


  • Flowering period: January-April

Fruit, seed and dispersal

  • Seed mass [mg]: 2.57
  • Dispersal mode: Myrmecochory
  • Dispersal distance class: 3

Trophic mode

  • Parasitism and mycoheterotrophy: autotroph
  • Carnivory: non-carnivorous
  • Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: no nitrogen-fixing symbionts

Taxon origin

  • Origin in Europe: Native


  • Environmental relationships

  • Substrate humidity relationship: Mesic
  • Substrate reaction relationship: Slightly acidic to near-neutral
  • Nutrient relationship: Oligotrophic
  • Salinity relationship: Non-saline
  • Ellenberg-type indicator values

  • Light indicator value: 8.3
  • Temperature indicator value: 8.8
  • Moisture indicator value: 4.7
  • Reaction indicator value: 5.4
  • Salinity indicator value: 0
  • Disturbance indicator values

  • Disturbance frequency: 1.56
  • Disturbance frequency (herb layer): 1.95
  • Disturbance severity: 0.54
  • Disturbance severity (herb layer): 0.52
  • Mowing frequency: 0.3
  • Grazing pressure: 0.33
  • Soil disturbance: 0.29

Habitat and sociology

  • Broad habitat

  • Occurrence in broad habitats: Coastal beach, dune or shingle, Grassland (non-alpine, non-saline), Saline vegetation, Scrub, Forest, Sparsely vegetated (incl. rock and scree)


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