Dactylis glomerata

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Habitus and growth type

  • Plant height [m]: 0.92
  • Life span: Perennial
  • Life form: Hemicryptophyte
  • Spinescence: not spinescent


  • Specific leaf area [mm2/mg]: 22.28


  • Flowering period: February-July

Fruit, seed and dispersal

  • Seed mass [mg]: 0.87
  • Dispersal mode: Local non-specific dispersal, Anthropochory
  • Dispersal distance class: 2, 7

Trophic mode

  • Parasitism and mycoheterotrophy: autotroph
  • Carnivory: non-carnivorous
  • Symbiotic nitrogen fixation: no nitrogen-fixing symbionts

Taxon origin

  • Origin in Europe: native


  • Environmental relationships

  • Substrate humidity relationship: Mesic
  • Substrate reaction relationship: Slightly acidic to near-neutral
  • Nutrient relationship: Eutrophic
  • Salinity relationship: Non-saline
  • Ellenberg-type indicator values

  • Light indicator value: 7
  • Salinity indicator value: 0.3
  • Disturbance indicator values

  • Disturbance frequency: 0.65
  • Disturbance frequency (herb layer): 1.63
  • Disturbance severity: 0.57
  • Disturbance severity (herb layer): 0.43
  • Mowing frequency: 0.5
  • Grazing pressure: 0.23
  • Soil disturbance: 0.26

Habitat and sociology

  • EUNIS habitat

  • Constant species of EUNIS habitats: N1D Atlantic and Baltic broad-leaved coastal dune forest, N32 Mediterranean and Black Sea rocky sea cliff and shore, N34 Atlantic and Baltic soft sea cliff, R14 Perennial rocky grassland of the Italian Peninsula, R19 Dry steppic submediterranean pasture of the Amphi-Adriatic region, R1A Semi-dry perennial calcareous grassland (meadow steppe), R1D Mediterranean closely grazed dry grassland, R1E Mediterranean tall perennial dry grassland, R1K Balkan and Anatolian oromediterranean dry grassland, R21 Mesic permanent pasture of lowlands and mountains, R22 Low and medium altitude hay meadow, R23 Mountain hay meadow, R24 Iberian summer pasture (vallicar), R51 Thermophilous forest fringe of base-rich soils, R52 Forest fringe of acidic nutrient-poor soils, R54 Pteridium aquilinum vegetation, R55 Lowland moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringe, R57 Herbaceous forest clearing vegetation, S24 Subalpine genistoid scrub of the Amphi-Adriatic region, S32 Temperate Rubus scrub, S33 Lowland to montane temperate and submediterranean genistoid scrub, S34 Balkan-Anatolian submontane genistoid scrub, S35 Temperate and submediterranean thorn scrub, S36 Low steppic scrub, S37 Corylus avellana scrub, S38 Temperate forest clearing scrub, S51 Mediterranean maquis and arborescent matorral, S52 Submediterranean pseudomaquis, S53 Spartium junceum scrub, S54 Thermomediterranean arid scrub, S61 Western basiphilous garrigue, S62 Western acidophilous garrigue, S63 Eastern garrigue, S65 Mediterranean gypsum scrub, S66 Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous scrub, S71 Western Mediterranean spiny heath, S72 Eastern Mediterranean spiny heath (phrygana), S74 Central Mediterranean mountain hedgehog-heath, S75 Eastern Mediterranean mountain hedgehog-heath, S91 Temperate riparian scrub, T11 Temperate Salix and Populus riparian forest, T12 Alnus glutinosa-Alnus incana forest on riparian and mineral soils, T13 Temperate hardwood riparian forest, T14 Mediterranean and Macaronesian riparian forest, T19 Temperate and submediterranean thermophilous deciduous forest, T1A Mediterranean thermophilous deciduous forest, T1D Southern European mountain Betula and Populus tremula forest on mineral soils, T1E Carpinus and Quercus mesic deciduous forest, T1G Alnus cordata forest, T1H Broadleaved deciduous plantation of non site-native trees, T21 Mediterranean evergreen Quercus forest, T24 Olea europaea-Ceratonia siliqua forest, T29 Broadleaved evergreen plantation of non site-native trees, T33 Mediterranean mountain Abies forest, T36 Temperate and submediterranean montane Pinus sylvestris-Pinus nigra forest, T38 Mediterranean montane Cedrus forest, T39 Mediterranean and Balkan subalpine Pinus heldreichii-Pinus peuce forest, T3A Mediterranean lowland to submontane Pinus forest, T3D Mediterranean Cupressaceae forest, U71 Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated gravel bar in montane and alpine regions, V32 Mediterranean subnitrophilous annual grassland, V33 Dry Mediterranean land with unpalatable non-vernal herbaceous vegetation, V38 Dry perennial anthropogenic herbaceous vegetation, V39 Mesic perennial anthropogenic herbaceous vegetation
  • Broad habitat

  • Occurrence in broad habitats: Coastal cliff, Wetland, Grassland (non-alpine, non-saline), Alpine-subalpine and arctic grassland, Saline vegetation, Heathland, Oromediterranean scrub, Scrub, Forest, Sparsely vegetated (incl. rock and scree), Synanthropic


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