Class CJ (COR)

Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis Klika in Klika et Novák 1941

Dry grasslands on sandy soils and on rocky outcrops of the temperate to boreal zones of Europe, the North Atlantic islands and Greenland

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Accepted name

Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis Klika in Klika et Novák 1941

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis Klika in Klika et Novák 1941



cor01 | Until about 1992−1993 the syntaxonomy of this class has not experienced any major changes since its first description by Klika (1941). In 1993 Mucina & Kolbek (1993b) united the Koelerio-Corynephoretea and the Sedo-Scleranthetea (Braun-Blanquet 1955). The syntaxonomic issues pertinent to this group of communities were reviewed in Dierschke (1986). Later (Dengler 2003), the concept of the Koelerio-Corynephoretea was further expanded by the addition of the syntaxonomic contents known as the ‘Festucetalia vaginatae’ and the ‘Artemisio-Koelerietalia’ (I prefer the latter to be classified within the Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae). Here I wish to revoke the original 1993 decision to lump the Koelerio-Corynephoretea and the Sedo-Scleranthetea and recognise the floristic and ecological differences between the xerophilous (prevalently grass-dominated) vegetation on sandy soils (Koelerio-Corynephoretea) from those on raw, skeletal soils of hard substrates rich in succulent (Sedo-Scleranthetea) at the class level. Unlike in 1993, I also place the Festucetea vaginatae in the Koelerio-Corynephoretea. (L. Mucina) J. Dengler claims that his widely conceived Koelerio-Corynephoretea s.l. (incl. the Sedo-Scleranthetea and Festucetea vaginatae) is supported by an extensive numerical analysis of 267 synoptic tables of the relevant vegetation types throughout Europe (Dengler 2003). This author further admits that there are two floristically and ecologically well-defined groups − a group of orders on deep sands (sometimes treated as the Koelerio-Corynephorenea) and a group of orders on shallow skeletal soils (sometimes treated as the Sedo-Scleranthenea). J. Dengler further suggests that the delimitation of the Koelerio-Corynephoretea towards several Mediterranean classes remains rather unclear and needs a large-scale revision. This particularly concerns the present concepts of the Helianthemetea guttati, the Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae and the Festucetea indigestae.


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