Holarctic coniferous and boreo-subarctic birch forests on oligotrophic and leached soils in the boreal zone and at high-altitudes of mountains in the nemoral zone of Eurasia
pic01 | The class in this syntaxonomic circumscription, includes also the wooded bogs classified by some (e.g. Stortelder et al. 1999; Berg et al. 2004) within the Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetea Passarge 1968. (L. Mucina) The placement of the wooded bogs within the Vaccinio-Piceetea is justified because they often occur on a thin layer of peat with trees rooted in the mineral soil. The species composition also comprises many species of typical boreal coniferous forests. (M. Chytrý) The Vaccinio uliginosi-Pinetea does not have its own character species, and the physiognomic differences from the Vaccinio-Piceetea are small. These are bogs with only scattered or low-grown trees with undergrowth that does not differ from the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea. (M. Hájek) The classification of this vegetation within the Vaccinio-Piceetea should be seen as a compromise. (L. Mucina) For the nomenclature related to the name see Willner et al. (2015b). (W. Willner, L. Mucina, J.-P. Theurillat).
Abieti-Piceetea (Lakušić et al. 1979) Lakušić et Redžić 1988
Betulo-Pinetea Preising et Knapp in Scamoni et Passarge 1959
– pic02 Herewith I select the Vaccinio-Pinetalia Scamoni et Passarge 1959 (Scamoni & Passarge 1959: 393) as the lectotypus (hoc loco) of this class name. (L. Mucina).
Milio-Abietetea Zhitlukhina ex Lashchinskii et Korolyuk 2015 (orig.form)
– pic03 This class was invalidly published because the Carici macrourae-Abietetalia sibiricae (the typus of the class as designated by Korolyuk & Lashchinskii 2015) was invalidly published as well (see also Remark pic07). (W. Willner).
Piceetea excelsae Klika in Klika et Hadač 1944