Alliance CS02C (MUL-02C)

Calamagrostion arundinaceae (Luquet 1926) Oberd. 1957

Tall-grass and herb-rich vegetation on dry acidic soils in the upper montane and subalpine belts of the mountain ranges of suboceanic Europe

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  • Dominant life form: Perennial graminoids, Perennial non-graminoid herbs
  • Phenological optimum: Summer
  • Substrate moisture: Mesic substrate
  • Substrate reaction: Acid substrate, Slightly acid to neutral substrate
  • Salinity: Non-saline substrate
  • Nutrient status: Mesotrophic
  • Soil organic matter: Poorly developed soil, Developed mineral soil
  • Vegetation region: Nemoral-Continental, Nemoral-Submediterranean
  • Elevational vegetation belt: Montane, Subalpine
  • Azonality: Shallow soil, Scree, Zonal
  • Successional status: Late-successional
  • Naturalness: Natural
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