Order GI01 (VIO-01)

Violetalia cheiranthifoliae Hohenester et Welβ ex Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016

Canarian volcanic summit sparse herbland vegetation on pumic tallus screes

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Accepted name

Violetalia cheiranthifoliae Hohenester et Welβ ex Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Violetalia cheiranthifoliae Hohenester et Welβ ex Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016



vio02 | The order Violetalia cheiranthifoliae was mentioned by Hohenester & Welβ (1993) who classified 'Violion cheiranthifoliae' in this order. The Violion cheiranthifoliae was described invalidly because the only association classified within the latter alliance ('Violetum cheiranthifoliae Ceb. et Ort. 51') is an invalid name; there is no direct or indirect reference to 'Ceb. et Ort. 51’ (obviously Ceballos & Ortuña 1951) in Hohenester & Welβ (1993). Herewith I designate the Violion cheiranthifoliae Voggenreiter ex Martín Osorio, Wildpret et Rivas-Mart. in Martín Osorio et al. 2007 (Phytocoenologia 37: 683), as the holotypus (hoc loco) of the Violetalia cheiranthifoliae. Viola cheiranthifolia, Echium auberianum, Silene nocteolens, Stemmacantha cynaroides and Erigeron cabrerae (see Brullo et al. 2008) are the character species of the Violion cheiranthifoliae and Violetalia cheiranthifoliae. (L. Mucina).


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