Order CH01 (ULI-01)
Ulicetalia nani Quantin 1935
Gorse and ericoid heath of the winter-mild temperate regions of Western Europe, the Western Mediterranean and Northern Morocco
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Accepted name
Ulicetalia nani Quantin 1935
EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)
Ulicetalia nani Quantin 1935
- Calluno-Genistetalia Schwickerath 1944 p.p.
- Calluno-Ulicetalia minoris (Quantin1935) Tx. 1937
- (Calluno-)Ulicetalia Oberd. 1949 (orig.form)
- Erico-Genistetalia Br.-Bl. 1967
- Erico-Ulicetalia Br.-Bl. et al. 1964
- Genisto-Callunetalia Doing 1963
- Ulicetalia europaeae Schubert 1960
- Ulicetalia minoris Quantin 1935 nom. mut. propos.
- Ulicetalia Rothmaler 1954
- Ulici (nanae)-Ericetalia cinereae Doing 1963