Alliance RA01A (FUN-01A)

Splachnion lutei Hadač et Klika ex von Hübschmann 1957

Hemerophilous bryophyte vegetation on bones and animal droppings of the alpine and arctic regions

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Accepted name

Splachnion lutei Hadač et Klika ex von Hübschmann 1957

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Splachnion lutei Hadač et Klika ex von Hübschmann 1957



fun02 | Splachnum luteum is included in the original diagnosis of von Hübschmann (1957) by citing the Splachnetum of von Krusenstjerna (1945), which is described with an equivalent of a simple table in the text containing the name-giving taxon Splachnum luteum. (H. Bültmann).


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