Grasslands and dwarf-scrub vegetation on stabilised hind dunes of the southwestern coasts of the Black Sea
Sileno thymifoliae-Jurineion kilaeae Géhu et Uslu ex Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016
Sileno thymifoliae-Jurineion kilaeae Géhu et Uslu ex Mucina in Mucina et al. 2016
cru09 | The name of this alliance was suggested by Géhu et Uslu (1989: 504). On p. 470 Tab. 11, a list of ‘species of the alliance’ (obviously diagnostic or character species) was introduced. Of three associations (‘Stachyo subcrenatae-Centaureetum kilaeae ass. nov.’, ‘Peucedano obtusifolii-Centaureetum beckeri ass. nov.’ and ‘Sarcopoterio-Centaureetum spinosae Secmen et Leblebici 1978 nom. nov.’) assigned in the protologue to this alliance, none was designed at typus of the alliance and therefore the Sileno thymifoliae-Jurineion kilaeae was invalidly published and remained invalidly published also in Tzonev et al. (2005). Here I designate the validly described Stachyo subcrenatae-Centaureetum kilaeae Géhu et Uslu 1989 (Géhu & Uslu 1989: 470, Tab. 11) as the holotypus (hoc loco) of the Sileno thymifoliae-Jurineion kilaeae. (L. Mucina).