Tall-herb anthropogenic vegetation on nutrient-rich soils in the upper montane to alpine belts of the nemoral mountain ranges of Europe
Senecioni rupestris-Rumicetalia alpini Mucina et Karner in Mucina et al. 2016
Senecioni rupestris-Rumicetalia alpini Mucina et Karner in Mucina et al. 2016
mul08 | Mucina & Karner (1993) invalidly published the name Rumicetalia alpini, because there was no ‘unambiguous reference made to the source of the type alliance – the ‘Rumicion alpini Klika in Klika et Hadač 1944’. Moreover, in Klika & Hadač (1944) an unambiguous reference to the only element (‘Rumicetum alpini carpaticum Szaf.-Pawl.-Kulcz. 1935’) is also missing since the latter authors failed to provide a reference to ‘Szaf.-Pawl.-Kulcz. 1935’; thus, the Rumicion alpini Klika in Klika et Hadač is invalid (ICPN art. 8). In order to avoid further confusion, I coin here a new name – the Senecioni rupestris-Rumicetalia alpini and selected the Rumicion alpini Rübel ex Scharfetter 1938 (Scharfetter 1938: 261–262) as the holotypus (hoc loco) of the order. The diagnostic taxa of the Senecioni rupestris-Rumicetalia alpini are: Alchemilla glabra, Cirsium spinosissimum, Gagea fistulosa, Rumex alpinus, Veratrum album subsp. album, V. album subsp. lobelianum, Verbascum longifolium. (L. Mucina).