Vegetation of thermophilous low and mid-altitudes (sub)mediterranean screes and riverine gravel banks of Sardinia, Calabria and Sicily
Scrophulario-Helichrysetalia S. Brullo 1984
Scrophulario-Helichrysetalia S. Brullo 1984
dry04 | Brullo (1984) suggested that this syntaxonomic concept deserves recognition as a class in its own right (Scrophulario-Helichrysetea) since the scree communities of Southern Italy and the Tyrrhenian archipelago lack the character species of the Thlaspietea rotundifolii (a view also supported by SP). Here I offer a new, yet still only tentative solution, suggesting that the Scrophulario-Helichrysetalia are a Central Mediterranean analogue of the Drypidetalia and therefore should be classified within the Drypidetea. Further study is needed to clarify the position of this scree vegetation. (L. Mucina).