Grimmietea anodontis Hadač et Vondráček in Ježek et Vondráček 1962
(2b, 3f)
– sap01 The original diagnosis of the name 'Grimmietea anodontis' (Ježek & Vondráček 1962) is based on the order Grimmietalia anodontis Šmarda et Vaněk in Šmarda 1947 that is itself based on the alliance Grimmion tergestinae Šmarda 1947. However, as the original diagnosis of the alliance does not contain the name-giving taxon Grimmia anodon, the name of the order is invalidly published (ICPN art. 3f) and, as a consequence, the name of the class is invalid as well (ICPN art. 2b). (H. Bültmann).
Grimmietea anodontis Mohan 1978
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