Salicornietea fruticosae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. Bolòs y Vayreda et O. de Bolòs in A. Bolòs y Vayreda 1950
EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)
Salicornietea fruticosae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. Bolòs y Vayreda et O. de Bolòs in A. Bolòs y Vayreda 1950
sal01 | The correct citation for the authority of the names published in the book Vegetación de la comarcas Barcelonesas by Antonio Bolòs y Vayreda (1950) is 'A. Bolòs et O. de Bolòs in A. Bolòs 1950'. Indeed, the contribution of O. de Bolòs is clearly acknowledged (1) in the subtitle of the book (‘Descripción geobotánica y catálogo florístico, según estudios efectuados por el proprio autor y por Oriol de Bolòs y Capdevilla’), and (2) in the introduction where A. Bolòs acknowledged that O. de Bolòs contributed importantly with phytosociological and floristical results and their interpretation ("Hay que hacer constar que se han aprovechado para la elaboración del presente trabajo los resultados de estudios fitosociológicos y florísticos de Oriol de Bolòs y Capdevila, los cuales constituyen una parte importante del total de datos e interpretaciones que se publican en este libro."). (J.-P. Theurillat).
Arthrocnemetea fruticosi Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943 corr. O. de Bolòs 1967 (orig.form)
– sal05 This name 'correction' (de Bolòs 1967) is in fact a mutation (nomen mutatum). It cannot be followed based on current knowledge of evolutionary relationships and the systematics of the genera within the tribe Salicorniae. Kadereit et al. (2006) demonstrated that the name-giving taxon of this syntaxon (originally described as Salicornia fruticosa) cannot be classified within Arthrocnemum because it should be considered an evolutionary entity (genus) clearly separated from the Salicornia/Sarcocornia alliance. (L. Mucina).
Puccinellio-Salicornietea Ţopa ex Pignatti 1953
Puccinellio-Salicornietea Ţopa 1939 p.p.
– sal02 Šumberová in Chytrý (2007: 150) suggested rejecting the Puccinellio-Salicornietea Ţopa 1939 nomen ambiguum. This step appears as superfluous since the name is invalid. (L. Mucina).
Salicornietea Br.-Bl. et Tx. in Br.-Bl. et al.1952
– sal04 Braun-Blanquet et al. (1952) validated the invalidly described 'Salicornietea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943' and classified two validly published orders within this class (Salicornietalia and Juncetalia maritimi). The former name (Salicornietalia Br.-Bl. ex Br.-Bl. et al. 1952) is the lectotypus of the Salicornietea Br.-Bl. ex Br.-Bl. et al. 1952). (L. Mucina).
Salicornietea Br.-Bl. et Tx. 1943
Salicornietea fruticosae Br.-Bl. in Tx. et Oberd. 1958
Sarcocornietea futicosae Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex A. Bolòs y Vayreda 1950 nom. mut. propos. (orig.form)
– sal03 Rivas-Martínez et al. (2002a: 277) formally suggested this name change. The proposed nomina mutata for this class (Sarcocornietea fruticosae), order (Sarcocornietalia fruticosae) and for one of the alliances (Sarcocornion fruticosae) might not be acceptable since it has been ascertained that the genus Sarcocornia is paraphyletic to Salicornia (Kadereit et al. 2007). This should eventually lead, following the principles of monophyly, to recognition of the genus Salicornia as including also current species classified as Sarcocornia. (L. Mucina).
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