Ombrophobic and highly aero-hygrophilous communities of fruticose lichens on vertical and overhanging cliffs on siliceous and volcanic rocks with an optimum in Macaronesia
Roccellion canariensis Egea et al. 1987
Roccellion oceanicum Follmann 1967
Roccellion oceanicum Mattick 1951
Roccellion tinctoriae Follmann 1973
Roccellion tinctoriae Follmann 1976
Roccellion tinctoriae Klement 1965
(Rec. 10C, 30)
– roc01 Klement (1965: 516) described the 'Roccellion Klement 1965', listing more than two Roccella species as the character species of the alliance. The original diagnosis of the alliance contains only one association − the 'Roccelletum tinctoriae Klement 1965', in which Roccella boergesenii, R. canariensis, R. fuciformis, R. maderensis, R. teneriffensis, R. tinctoria, R. tuberculata and R. vicentina occur. Since several species of Roccella are listed in the protologue, it is not admissible to complete the name of the alliance with the taxon epithet 'tinctoria' according to ICPN Rec. 10C as proposed by Egea & Llimona (1991). (H. Bültmann).
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