Order DB01 (FEP-01)
Puccinellietalia Soó 1947
Meso-xerophytic saline pastures in the subcontinental and submediterranean zones of the southern regions of Central and Southern Europe
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Accepted name
Puccinellietalia Soó 1947
EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)
Puccinellietalia Soó 1947
- Artemisio-Festucetalia pseudovinae Soó 1968
- Coeno-Puccinellietalia Chapman 1959 p.p.
- Festuco-Puccinellietalia Soó 1968
- Puccinellietalia distantis/limosae (Soó 1968) Géhu et Rivas-Mart. 1982
- Puccinellietalia limosae Soó 1947 corr. Géhu et Géhu-Franck 1992
- Puccinellietalia Soó 1933
- Staticetalia Chapman 1959 p.p.