Alliance KC13C (ASP-13C)

Polygonion icarici Horvat in Horvat, Glavač et Ellenberg ex Bergmeier et al. 2011

Thermomediterranean chasmophytic vegetation of sunny siliceous rock crevices of the southern islands of the Aegean archipelago

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Accepted name

Polygonion icarici Horvat in Horvat, Glavač et Ellenberg ex Bergmeier et al. 2011

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Polygonion icarici Horvat in Horvat, Glavač et Ellenberg ex Bergmeier et al. 2011



asp26 | The classification of this alliance within the Cheilanthetalia is only tentative, pending more data and syntaxonomic analyses of the rock-crevice vegetation on siliceous substrates from the Central and Eastern Mediterranean. (L. Mucina, E. Bergmeier).


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