Order KH02 (DRY-02)

Onosmo polyphyllae-Ptilostemonetalia Korzhenevskii 1990

Thermophilous submediterranean herb-rich vegetation on eroding slopes of the Black Sea seaboards of Crimea

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Accepted name

Onosmo polyphyllae-Ptilostemonetalia Korzhenevskii 1990

EuroVegChecklist name (Mucina et al. 2016)

Onosmo polyphyllae-Ptilostemonetalia Korzhenevskii 1990



dry02 | Ukrainian and Russian authors prefer to classify this order into its own class, the Onosmo-Ptilostemonetea (Korzhenevskii 1990; Korzhenevskii & Ryff 2002; Ryff 2004; Solomakha 2008; Golub et al. 2011). Apart from this order, Golub et al. (2011) described the Seslerietalia ponticae (occurring along the Black Sea coast of the piedmonts of the Caucasus). Golub et al. (2011) used fragmentary comparative material of several Stipion calamagrostis communities to support their claim of a large floristic dissimilarity between the Onosmo-Ptilostemonetea and the Thlaspietea rotundifoliae, and as a consequence, their analysis remains unconvincing. However, the ecology of the Onosmo-Ptilostemonetalia as well as the high number of (sub)mediterranean elements typical of disturbed soils (from erosion and formation of screes) suggests that this order can be considered a geographic analogue of the Drypidetalia spinosae. (L. Mucina).


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