Alchemillo-Deschampsietalia cespitosae Passarge 1976
– mol10 Here (hoc loco) we choose the Caltho-Deschampsion caespitosae (Passarge 1976) as the lectotypus of the Alchemillo-Deschampsietalia caespitosae Passarge 1976. (L. Mucina).
Eleocharitetalia palustris de Foucault in Royer et al. 2006
(2b, 5)
Eleocharitetalia palustris de Foucault 1984
Eleocharitetalia palustris de Foucault 2009
– mol11 The Eleocharitetalia is a unit of transitional position between the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, and the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and it is well characterised by presence of both meadow species on one hand and by absence of aquatic plants on the other. (K. Šumberová, L. Mucina) The placement of this syntaxonomic concept as a synonym of the Agrostietalia stoloniferae, as suggested by Rivas-Martínez et al. (2002a), is not supported. De Foucault & Catteau (2012) considered this unit synonymous with the 'Deschampsietalia caespitosae' and therefore we classify this unit within the Molinietalia (the current concept encompassing the 'Deschampsietalia caespitosae'. (L. Mucina, M. Hájek).